
Life Coaching

Guiding Light on Your Transformational Journey

Who are we?

Lumiways offers life coaching services that integrate traditional methods, mindfulness, embodiment practices, and systemic work principles. Our coaching approach is not about providing solutions. We are here to guide and hold space for you in your personal explorations.

What We Focus On

  • Connection and belonging: We believe in fostering a sense of belonging and helping you recognize and live up to your full potential.
  • Positive Energy Cultivation: Transforming emotions into positive, constructive energy for personal transformation.
  • Navigating Change and Growth: Supporting you in navigating transitions, embracing change, prioritization and creating a path to personal growth while exploring behaviours that hinder your progress.
  • Courage and Self-Empowerment: Cultivating courage to overcome fears and fostering self-empowerment for a resilient mindset.
  • Inner Freedom: Facilitating the journey to find inner freedom and explore the boundless possibilities within yourself. 
Leaf in front of the lake - comnection

What We Do Not Address:

  • Addictions: Join us after completing a recovery program. It’s essential to address addiction before embarking on creating something new.
  • Deeper Trauma Discovery: While working together, if deeper trauma is identified, we recommend parallel support from a psychologist for focused therapeutic work.


Inner journeys, stone sculpture

Inner Journeys - Online Coaching Program

Embark on a transformative online coaching program, “Inner Journeys,” where mindfulness and embodiment coaching converge. Gain a deeper understanding of your body and mind, aligning heart, mind, and feet for improved decision-making. Choose from on-demand, 3-month, and 6-month programs tailored for individual explorations.

Walk & Talk, woman walking

Walk & Talk - Nature-Based Life Coaching

Experience coaching in nature with “Walk & Talk”. Book 2-hour or 4-hour sessions or opt for a 3-month package around Tallinn, Estonia. Nature becomes the playground for systemic work, using elements from the environment to explore beliefs and worries from new perspectives. Let the natural elements ignite new thought patterns for holistic well-being.

Growth Adventure, woman sitting next to sea

Growth Adventures - Transformative Walking Holidays

Discover yourself through purposeful travel with “Growth Adventures”. Immerse in mindfulness practices, movement, and personal coaching during 5-7 day transformative walking holidays around Europe. Join a small community seeking personal growth, rediscover strengths in inspiring settings, and connect with nature’s influence for profound self-reflection.


Gaidy Jürgens

Inner Journeys

Whenever I met Kadri, I felt an overwhelming sensation of lightness. During a time when I was confused and ignorant about myself, Kadri’s classes became a source of support, giving me a sense of security that I was not alone in my struggles. In each session, Kadri made me feel extremely cared for and supported, while also being very specific about the tasks and next steps. I appreciated the clarity of the instructions. Kadri quickly realized when some of the practices did not work for me at a given moment and offered an alternative methodology instead.

The trust that we built, and the feeling that Kadri accepted me just as I was, created an environment of open communication. This allowed me to accept my mistakes and omissions without any fear of judgment. Kadri’s warm, empathic, and sincere personality made it easy for me to connect with her. I am grateful for her cooperation and trust.

Gaidy Jürgens

Elise Van Winden foto

Inner Journeys

Kadri guided me to my inner self with a combination of breath work, visualisation and meditation. In stead of talking with the minds, Kadri helped to connect me with my inner nature: What was I afraid for? What was holding me back? Whas was I longing for? She helped me finding the answers and since I felt I was in good hands I could really open up and undergo the transformation. And when something inside me was overwon, I felt direclty so much stronger and secure! I would recommend Kadri to anyone that is ready to uncover her potential, dreams and that what is holding you back.

Elise van Winden

Entrepreneur in Nature
Luis Calvo profile

Inner Journeys

My experience with Kadri has been truly life-changing. I feel I’m a better person today thanks to her. She carries an energy that I can only compare to that of nature, both soothing and powerful. Through thoughtful and engaging questions I have felt comfortable digging deeper within myself and uncovering behavioral patterns in a way that I never had before. With a knack for seeing through my bullshit, she has helped me untangle from these bad practices, allowing me to find the clarity I need to move forward. After our conversations, I feel inspired and motivated to take action. I would highly recommend working with her to anyone who is looking to grow, learn, and thrive in their personal or professional life. Forever thankful.

Luis Calvo

Entrepreneur and Sustainable Artist

Walk & Talk

I had troubles with my intimate relationships and I was feeling overwhelmed by it. Through the coaching sessions we had Kadri help me organize my thoughts, figure out what i was missing and what i had already which helped me to made the decision to let go. What supported me the most was her positive and light character and how she adjusted her approach to my needs and personality. Also i enjoyed the fact that she used constellations and placements in the system to represent different elements of my problem.

Nikos Verros

Walk & Talk

The truth is that to this day I can’t find the words that describe what I felt on the session. I remember a sense of belonging and recognition.

Giovanni Roemer

Youth Coach
Anna Marija profile picture

Walk & Talk

I approached Kadri in a period of transformation, change and confusion in my life, and through our session she helped me discover what really is important for me. What is my connection with different areas of life, and to connect to myself, my strengths and see how I can implement my potential. Her gentle, intuitive and caring approach supported me to feel open and ready to take a look inside of me, and the way she used nature, body, constellations, movement and holistic approach made the sessions dynamic and eye-opening – it allowed me to see more perspectives than just my thoughts. Her way of coaching is sustainable, fun and transformative.

Anna Marija Bērziņa

International Project Manager

Let's go exploring together!

I’m excited to hear from you and design a journey that will get you to your roots and alignment.